real student exchange program

A student exchange program is a program in which a student, chooses to live in a foreign country to learn, among other things, language and culture.Students live with a host family, who are usually unpaid volunteers and can be a traditional family, a single parent, or a couple with no children at home.

Student exchanges became popular after World War II, and have the aim of helping to increase the participants' understanding and tolerance of other culture, as well as improving their language skills and broadening their social horizons.

An exchange student typically stays in the host country for a relatively short period of time, often 6 to 10 months.

Some students on exchange programs can receive academic credit from the country they study in.

venerdì 8 aprile 2011

finally back

here i am, back in italy.
i m sitting in my class, with my classmates, just chilling during our training.
on sunday morning i' m gonna leave with my classmates, we're gonna go to Cefalu( tht 's an island in Sicily), i'm very happy of that, i've been missing them so much!!! and everything is so weird since i m here. the first week was the hardest one, i was ready, i knew it was hard, but i didn't expect that much!!! everything was different just being the same. my friends, my family, y city, how can it be everything so different? the second week as getting better, but then i felt sick!!!WTF!!!! finally now i got back to school and i m really loocking forward to leave, i really need sometime to think bout everything.
since i m here i m not been talking with my hosting family that much, i really miss them, really bad, but that's so weird talk to them, thiking hat we're so far away eachother, we used to get up together, get breakfast together, spend the whole day together, and now i  here , they r there, in their practice, just working, and i know tht it's not that easy to go there to meeting up. i wish it was hosting family called me last week , it was very exciting, i was very happy of that, but i was also very sick, so i couldn't talk that much,than during the week i called Anique ( my sista) we talked a little, but it was even more weird, i had so much  to tell to her, but talking just by a screem can be very annoyng,that was terribly hard.
day by day everything is more confused in my mind, i m really confused bout everything, i dunno who i am anymore, i don't know what i like anymore. at first in holland i tought i would have learnt to better understand myself, i tought after holland everything would have been easyer, but that's not like that!! i had to learn to know myself, there i doscovered a new myself, and now i gotta get used to be here again, but now it's a new me, and i dunno how can it fit.
CEFALU HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

domenica 13 marzo 2011

Finally i made up my mind, i wanna go home.
i miss my boyfriend, my brother, my friends, my family, i miss italian food, i miss the smell of my city,i miss the sun,i miss the sea, i miss so much from my home country, i cannot stand it anymore.
look i don't wanna say that i hate this place and theese people at all, cuz i don't think so.
ja it's true our cultures are very different each other, but i learnt a lot on them and now i can understand much more bout dutch people.
wht i really miss is our way to show love and friendship.i miss to lie down on the couch hugging my friends, hanging out everyday with new people, talking hours and hours at phone even aware tht we're gonna meet in few minutes, never being quite NEVER!!! maybe that's one of the thing i miss the most our KAOS.
i'm gonna miss everything here, but we cannot have everything toch. i m gonna miss speaking dutch, i m gonna miss speaking english, i m gonna miss my hostfamily, i m gonna miss the stink of the boederijen, i m gonna miss this huge sky,i m gonna miss weed, and i m gonna miss the exchange students meeting .
but i got a lot from this experience, and i wanna go back here surely.i still have a  lot to learn around the world .
i just hope he can wait still sometimes for me :)
btw my adventure is gonna end with my dad and my brother coming here to pick me up :)

giovedì 10 marzo 2011

Spring is finally coming, flowers are coming out, and all that old shit is away in my mind.
a new season is at the door, there are still a lot of thing to get, but there are also some rhings we've lost.
Today it's the last day here for Anique (my hosting sista) she's gonna move on another home in the coty where my school is... yes of course i know we are gonna see each other, but i cannot pretend that it doesen't matter to me.
    I still remember when i arrived here, after the orientation week we exchange students went straight to a restaurant waiting for our hosting families. i remember i was there waiting and waiting for them, the hostingfamilies of the other exchange students were already there, i was a little worry. my mind was floating away, tryng to imagine how my new family could be...what if Anique was a bitch? i tought, and what if she was a childish girl i wondered.
then all of a sudden here they were :)
we stood there till the meeting finished and then we runned away, at the first service station we stopped and we got out of the car, it was Jan Jurre Anique  and I, i was still a little tired of all that english when Anique looked at me and asked me: do u wanna smoke? i knew it was against travel active rules, but it was just a little pretty cigarette... since that moment everything changed so fast.
    It seems me like yesterday when we went to Alkmaar to her father home. i was in the netherlands olny for 2 weeks, we arrived over there and only in that moment Niekje told me that her father owns 2 coffee shop. so we went in his kitchen Niekje knew his hiding place and we got his was the first time i saw the REAL WEED!!! it's incredible how much is that different from all that shit in Italy, it was 100 times better then the best weed of Naples!!! i couldn't believe at what my nose was smelling. Than we rolled it, Nickje wanted to have the honor, and she made a fucking huge jointje. it was the only joint we smoked that day, but i was high the all day long!
    When we went to the first party together, we were not even invited actually, but we had ha pass par tout: i m an exchange student :P so we just got inside and we started to drink and drink, than drinks where finished, but Molly still had our Tequilla bottle in her bag, at the end of the night we were as drunk as the hell and we had to walk to the station, that was very hard! and my heels were fucking hurting so i got to the station with bare feet, and it was something like -7° at least!!! but we where together.
    At Xmas it was my first white Xmas, we went to the church, it was interesting, but fucking boring. so we went home, Nickje went to sleep over me and we ate some Puddos ( Magic Mushrooms) we spent the all night long awake just spacing together.
   When i was sad, when she was sad, we were there for each other, there was no need of talking, just looking to each other, getting cigarettes ad everything was better, she could get me , and i could get her.
she's my soul sister, i didn't expect she could become so much at me, but so it is, i love her and she loves me!
this is why every time somebody asks me what s the best thing you get from Nederland i always answer : that's my sista! 
I ve ever been thinking it would have been awesome to have a sister , but now i know that's not awesome, that's fucking awesome!!!!

martedì 1 febbraio 2011

5 manden + iets (ita-eng)

Sta sera Hanne non cena a casa, e altrettanto Anique.
Jan è ancora a lavoro, quando finisce andrà a prendere delle pizze...
Nell'attesa Hanne si prepara una tazza di zuppa,prende una tazza, ci butta dentro della polvere misteriosa, aggiunge dell'acqua e mette la pastrocchia nel microonde, 1 minuto e il tutto è pronto.
Ho deciso di non fare la schizzinosa e di farmene una anche io...risultato: una puzza terribile,della sbobbetta gialla galleggiante e continui rumori di stomaco... allora decido che ho toccato il fondo e provo a far mangiare i rimasugli a citah (il mio cane), citah mangia di tutto dalla carne alle verdure, e persino la frutta, non c'è nulla che non le chiamo, arriva quindi scodinzolante, le avvicino la zuppa,immediatamente la coda finisce tra le gambe e citah inizia a d indietreggiare,ho aperto il cestino e ho gettato il tutto.
PROMEMORIA: mai mangiare una "cup a soup"!!!
scusate, ma ora scappo al bagno.

tonight Hanne is not eating at home, and Anique aswell.
Jan is still at work...and when he finish is gonna get some pizzas.
Pending Hanne prepares a cup of soup,takes a cup, threws in themysterious powder, adds water and puts that shit in the microwave,1 minute and everything is ready.
so i decided to be openminded and to try that stuff, rsullt: i still stink of that stuff, the taste was horrible, noise from my stomach and that nasty yellow stuff in the cup was still floating in the resting soup, but i was not brave enough to eat it, so i called citah ( my dog) she relly does like everything, from meat,to vegetables, and even fruit,  then she came wagging, approached the soup and than started to walk backward and her tail was all of a sudden between her legs.i threw everything away.
REMINDER: Never eat "a cup of soup" again!!!
now i beg ur pardon, but i gotta go to the bathroom :p

echte erg!!!