real student exchange program

A student exchange program is a program in which a student, chooses to live in a foreign country to learn, among other things, language and culture.Students live with a host family, who are usually unpaid volunteers and can be a traditional family, a single parent, or a couple with no children at home.

Student exchanges became popular after World War II, and have the aim of helping to increase the participants' understanding and tolerance of other culture, as well as improving their language skills and broadening their social horizons.

An exchange student typically stays in the host country for a relatively short period of time, often 6 to 10 months.

Some students on exchange programs can receive academic credit from the country they study in.

martedì 1 febbraio 2011

5 manden + iets (ita-eng)

Sta sera Hanne non cena a casa, e altrettanto Anique.
Jan è ancora a lavoro, quando finisce andrà a prendere delle pizze...
Nell'attesa Hanne si prepara una tazza di zuppa,prende una tazza, ci butta dentro della polvere misteriosa, aggiunge dell'acqua e mette la pastrocchia nel microonde, 1 minuto e il tutto è pronto.
Ho deciso di non fare la schizzinosa e di farmene una anche io...risultato: una puzza terribile,della sbobbetta gialla galleggiante e continui rumori di stomaco... allora decido che ho toccato il fondo e provo a far mangiare i rimasugli a citah (il mio cane), citah mangia di tutto dalla carne alle verdure, e persino la frutta, non c'è nulla che non le chiamo, arriva quindi scodinzolante, le avvicino la zuppa,immediatamente la coda finisce tra le gambe e citah inizia a d indietreggiare,ho aperto il cestino e ho gettato il tutto.
PROMEMORIA: mai mangiare una "cup a soup"!!!
scusate, ma ora scappo al bagno.

tonight Hanne is not eating at home, and Anique aswell.
Jan is still at work...and when he finish is gonna get some pizzas.
Pending Hanne prepares a cup of soup,takes a cup, threws in themysterious powder, adds water and puts that shit in the microwave,1 minute and everything is ready.
so i decided to be openminded and to try that stuff, rsullt: i still stink of that stuff, the taste was horrible, noise from my stomach and that nasty yellow stuff in the cup was still floating in the resting soup, but i was not brave enough to eat it, so i called citah ( my dog) she relly does like everything, from meat,to vegetables, and even fruit,  then she came wagging, approached the soup and than started to walk backward and her tail was all of a sudden between her legs.i threw everything away.
REMINDER: Never eat "a cup of soup" again!!!
now i beg ur pardon, but i gotta go to the bathroom :p

echte erg!!!